Digital & Social Media Marketing Specialist

Naheed Somji

Digital Marketing & Social Media Consultant

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I help brands connect with their target audiences through social media, digital marketing, and by creating great customer experiences. If you have a complex brand and a unique problem to solve, let’s talk.


Brands I’ve Helped


Social Media and Digital Marketing


“If there was a problem, yo I’ll solve it.”
- Vanilla Ice

(Pretty much my career and life mantra)


Problem Solver, Public Speaker,
Part-time Professor

Over the past decade, I’ve worked with a wide variety of companies, from multi-national billion dollar brands, to mom-and-pop shops, to non-profits. I’ve stood on stages in front of financial services and insurance industry elite, internal and external communicators, and a variety of business people with one key message about online interactions: help your audience. Provide value through content and exceptional customer service and you will see success in social media and business.


At 26 years old, I became one of the youngest professors in the College. I’m often still one of the youngest people in the classroom. I meet that challenge with effective instructional plans, engaging activities, robust discussion, and comprehensive assignments.

One of the most prevalent criticisms of social media is that the advertising disrupts the experience of the network. That only happens when marketers stop helping. As a part-time professor of social media marketing, I teach my students that to be a successful future marketer, you need to be able to understand your audience, identify their pain-points, and deliver a solution in a seamless experience.


Do you need an expert speaker at your next event?


Side Side Hustles


Speaker, Social Media

Board Member, Regional Tourism Organization 4 (RTO4)

  • Voluntary member on the Board of Directors for a non-profit tourism and local business promotion organization

Board Member, The Elora Singers and The Elora Festival

  • Voluntary member on the Board of Directors for a non-profit arts and culture organization